sponsored Webinar featuring Dr. David Hood

Cornification- What makes The Hoof Capsule What It Is

Sunday, September 27, 2015
5:00 PM EDT
Free for AHA members, Non Members $25
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AHA members contact Ruthie Thompson-Klein

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Dr. David M. Hood is an established international authority on equine podiatry. He taught graduate physiology in the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology at Texas A&M University until his retirement. Dr. Hood is the owner of the Hoof Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Clinic (HDRC), Bryan, Texas. The HDRC is a private referral clinic for horses with foot/hoof problems and is heavily involved in clinical research on the foot. Dr .Hood is also the executive director of the Hoof Project Foundation (HPF), a nonprofit foundation dedicated to rehabilitation, education and research in the area of equine hoof physiology and disease (www.hoofprojectfoundation.org). Dr. Hood is known nationally and internationally for his writing and contribution to scientific literature.
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