Franco Belmonte
Member Since 21 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Today, 12:08 AM
About Me
So far from the States I feel necessary to write some word in this page. I am 60, born 11 april 1952 and actually resident close to Rome. Biologist, I spent some years in a research laboratory.
I never forgot this first love even during the long time I flew for living. For many years biology and planes run on parallel runways. Airline pilots can retire early, I went back to biology entirely.
Currently, parasitology and hooves care, mechanics of the horse, are the main fields of interest. Whenever possible I organize seminars. The primary focus is the modesty and theoretical application. For the practical initial training of the beginners, use of the tools, I use and recommend pieces of wood. Wood of different densities to realize plane and rounded surfaces, simple joints, small toys. People in Italy and Europe is no more able to use the hands. Fresh specimen, I think, are more for advanced students and researchers. They are useful but I prefer to point initially on the animal dignity so many time ignored. Biologist I had a sad experience.
Big jet planes and draft horses! I flew the B747-200, my horses as well are heavy. The male is about 2200 pounds. He pulls carriages, bitless.
My interest in this association began when she born. A man the "wants you to think" recalls attention.
I never forgot this first love even during the long time I flew for living. For many years biology and planes run on parallel runways. Airline pilots can retire early, I went back to biology entirely.
Currently, parasitology and hooves care, mechanics of the horse, are the main fields of interest. Whenever possible I organize seminars. The primary focus is the modesty and theoretical application. For the practical initial training of the beginners, use of the tools, I use and recommend pieces of wood. Wood of different densities to realize plane and rounded surfaces, simple joints, small toys. People in Italy and Europe is no more able to use the hands. Fresh specimen, I think, are more for advanced students and researchers. They are useful but I prefer to point initially on the animal dignity so many time ignored. Biologist I had a sad experience.
Big jet planes and draft horses! I flew the B747-200, my horses as well are heavy. The male is about 2200 pounds. He pulls carriages, bitless.
My interest in this association began when she born. A man the "wants you to think" recalls attention.
Community Stats
- Group AHA Members
- Active Posts 279
- Profile Views 6,855
- Member Title Adult Horse
- Age 63 years old
- Birthday April 11, 1952
Roma, Italy
State/Region Abbreviation
diet, parasitology, heavy draft horses and...much heavier jet !
were needed
Contact Information
- Website URL
- Skype
- Contact Phone +393348082140
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